View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * This file is part of Waarp Project.
3    * 
4    * Copyright 2009, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author tags. See the
5    * COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
6    * 
7    * All Waarp Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
8    * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
9    * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10   * 
11   * Waarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12   * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
13   * Public License for more details.
14   * 
15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Waarp . If not, see
16   * <>.
17   */
18  package org.waarp.ftp.core.control;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
23  import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler;
32  import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
33  import io.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener;
35  import org.waarp.common.command.ReplyCode;
36  import org.waarp.common.command.exception.CommandAbstractException;
37  import org.waarp.common.command.exception.Reply421Exception;
38  import org.waarp.common.command.exception.Reply503Exception;
39  import org.waarp.common.crypto.ssl.WaarpSslUtility;
40  import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogger;
41  import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLoggerFactory;
42  import org.waarp.ftp.core.command.AbstractCommand;
43  import org.waarp.ftp.core.command.FtpCommandCode;
44  import org.waarp.ftp.core.command.access.USER;
45  import org.waarp.ftp.core.command.internal.ConnectionCommand;
46  import org.waarp.ftp.core.command.internal.IncorrectCommand;
47  import org.waarp.ftp.core.control.ftps.FtpsInitializer;
48  import;
49  import org.waarp.ftp.core.exception.FtpNoConnectionException;
50  import org.waarp.ftp.core.session.FtpSession;
51  import org.waarp.ftp.core.utils.FtpChannelUtils;
53  /**
54   * Main Network Handler (Control part) implementing RFC 959, 775, 2389, 2428, 3659 and supports XCRC
55   * and XMD5 commands.
56   * 
57   * @author Frederic Bregier
58   * 
59   */
60  public class NetworkHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<String> {
61      /**
62       * Internal Logger
63       */
64      private static final WaarpLogger logger = WaarpLoggerFactory.getLogger(NetworkHandler.class);
66      /**
67       * Business Handler
68       */
69      private final BusinessHandler businessHandler;
71      /**
72       * Internal store for the SessionInterface
73       */
74      private final FtpSession session;
76      /**
77       * The associated Channel
78       */
79      private Channel controlChannel = null;
80      /**
81       * ChannelHandlerContext that could be used whenever needed
82       */
83      private volatile ChannelHandlerContext ctx;
85      /**
86       * Constructor from session
87       * 
88       * @param session
89       */
90      public NetworkHandler(FtpSession session) {
91          super();
92          this.session = session;
93          businessHandler = session.getBusinessHandler();
94          businessHandler.setNetworkHandler(this);
95      }
97      /**
98       * @return the businessHandler
99       */
100     public BusinessHandler getBusinessHandler() {
101         return businessHandler;
102     }
104     /**
105      * @return the session
106      */
107     public FtpSession getFtpSession() {
108         return session;
109     }
111     /**
112      * 
113      * @return the Control Channel
114      */
115     public Channel getControlChannel() {
116         return controlChannel;
117     }
119     /**
120      * Run firstly executeChannelClosed.
121      * 
122      */
123     @Override
124     public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
125         if (session == null || session.getDataConn() == null ||
126                 session.getDataConn().getFtpTransferControl() == null) {
127             super.channelInactive(ctx);
128             return;
129         }
130         // Wait for any command running before closing (bad client sometimes
131         // don't wait for answer)
132         int limit = 100;
133         while (session.getDataConn().getFtpTransferControl()
134                 .isFtpTransferExecuting()) {
135             Thread.sleep(10);
136             limit--;
137             if (limit <= 0) {
138                 logger.warn("Waiting for transfer finished but 1s is not enough");
139                 break; // wait at most 1s
140             }
141         }
142         businessHandler.executeChannelClosed();
143         // release file and other permanent objects
144         businessHandler.clear();
145         session.clear();
146         super.channelInactive(ctx);
147     }
149     /**
150      * Initialize the Handler.
151      * 
152      */
153     @Override
154     public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
155         this.ctx = ctx;
156         Channel channel =;
157         controlChannel = channel;
158         session.setControlConnected();
159         FtpChannelUtils.addCommandChannel(channel, session.getConfiguration());
160         if (isStillAlive(ctx)) {
161             // Make the first execution ready
162             AbstractCommand command = new ConnectionCommand(getFtpSession());
163             session.setNextCommand(command);
164             // This command can change the next Command
165             businessHandler.executeChannelConnected(channel);
166             // Answer ready to continue from first command = Connection
167             messageRunAnswer(ctx);
168             getFtpSession().setReady(true);
169         }
170     }
172     /**
173      * If the service is going to shutdown, it sends back a 421 message to the connection
174      * 
175      * @return True if the service is alive, else False if the system is going down
176      */
177     private boolean isStillAlive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
178         if (session.getConfiguration().isShutdown()) {
179             session.setExitErrorCode("Service is going down: disconnect");
180             writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
181             return false;
182         }
183         return true;
184     }
186     /**
187      * Default exception task: close the current connection after calling exceptionLocalCaught and
188      * writing if possible the current replyCode.
189      * 
190      */
191     @Override
192     public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception {
193         this.ctx = ctx;
194         Throwable e1 = cause;
195         Channel channel =;
196         if (session == null) {
197             // should not be
198             logger.warn("NO SESSION", e1);
199             return;
200         }
201         if (e1 instanceof ConnectException) {
202             ConnectException e2 = (ConnectException) e1;
203             logger.warn("Connection impossible since {} with Channel {}", e2
204                     .getMessage(), channel);
205         } else if (e1 instanceof ChannelException) {
206             ChannelException e2 = (ChannelException) e1;
207             logger
208                     .warn(
209                             "Connection (example: timeout) impossible since {} with Channel {}",
210                             e2.getMessage(), channel);
211         } else if (e1 instanceof ClosedChannelException) {
212             logger.debug("Connection closed before end");
213             session.setExitErrorCode("Internal error: disconnect");
214             if (channel.isActive()) {
215                 writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
216             }
217             return;
218         } else if (e1 instanceof CommandAbstractException) {
219             // FTP Exception: not close if not necessary
220             CommandAbstractException e2 = (CommandAbstractException) e1;
221             logger.warn("Command Error Reply {}", e2.getMessage());
222             session.setReplyCode(e2);
223             businessHandler.afterRunCommandKo(e2);
224             if (channel.isActive()) {
225                 writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
226             }
227             return;
228         } else if (e1 instanceof NullPointerException) {
229             NullPointerException e2 = (NullPointerException) e1;
230             logger.warn("Null pointer Exception: " +, e2);
231             try {
232                 if (session != null) {
233                     session.setExitErrorCode("Internal error: disconnect");
234                     if (businessHandler != null &&
235                             session.getDataConn() != null) {
236                         businessHandler.exceptionLocalCaught(e1);
237                         if (channel.isActive()) {
238                             writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
239                         }
240                     }
241                 }
242             } catch (NullPointerException e3) {
243             }
244             return;
245         } else if (e1 instanceof IOException) {
246             IOException e2 = (IOException) e1;
247             logger.warn("Connection aborted since {} with Channel {}", e2
248                     .getMessage(), channel);
249             logger.warn(e1);
250         } else if (e1 instanceof RejectedExecutionException) {
251             logger.debug("Rejected execution (shutdown) from {}", channel);
252             return;
253         } else {
254             logger.warn("Unexpected exception from Outband Ref Channel: " +
255                     channel.toString() + " Exception: " + e1.getMessage(), e1);
256         }
257         session.setExitErrorCode("Internal error: disconnect");
258         businessHandler.exceptionLocalCaught(e1);
259         if (channel.isActive()) {
260             writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
261         }
262     }
264     /**
265      * Simply call messageRun with the received message
266      * 
267      */
268     @Override
269     public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String e) {
270         this.ctx = ctx;
271         if (isStillAlive(ctx)) {
272             // First wait for the initialization to be fully done
273             if (!session.isReady()) {
274                 session.setReplyCode(ReplyCode.REPLY_421_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_CLOSING_CONTROL_CONNECTION, null);
275                 businessHandler.afterRunCommandKo(new Reply421Exception(session.getReplyCode().getMesg()));
276                 writeIntermediateAnswer(ctx);
277                 return;
278             }
279             String message = e;
280             AbstractCommand command = FtpCommandCode.getFromLine(getFtpSession(), message);
281             logger.debug("RECVMSG: {} CMD: {} " + command.getCode(), message, command.getCommand());
282             // First check if the command is an ABORT, QUIT or STAT
283             if (!FtpCommandCode.isSpecialCommand(command.getCode())) {
284                 // Now check if a transfer is on its way: illegal to have at
285                 // same time two commands (except ABORT). Wait is at most 100x
286                 // RETRYINMS=1s
287                 FtpTransferControl control = session.getDataConn().getFtpTransferControl();
288                 boolean notFinished = control.waitFtpTransferExecuting();
289                 if (notFinished) {
290                     session.setReplyCode(
291                             ReplyCode.REPLY_503_BAD_SEQUENCE_OF_COMMANDS,
292                             "Previous transfer command is not finished yet");
293                     businessHandler.afterRunCommandKo(
294                             new Reply503Exception(session.getReplyCode().getMesg()));
295                     writeIntermediateAnswer(ctx);
296                     return;
297                 }
298             }
299             // Default message
300             session.setReplyCode(ReplyCode.REPLY_200_COMMAND_OKAY, null);
301             // Special check for SSL AUTH/PBSZ/PROT/USER/PASS/ACCT
302             if (FtpCommandCode.isSslOrAuthCommand(command.getCode())) {
303                 session.setNextCommand(command);
304                 messageRunAnswer(ctx);
305                 return;
306             }
307             if (session.getCurrentCommand().isNextCommandValid(command)) {
308                 logger.debug("Previous: " + session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() +
309                         " Next: " + command.getCode());
310                 session.setNextCommand(command);
311                 messageRunAnswer(ctx);
312             } else {
313                 if (!session.getAuth().isIdentified()) {
314                     session.setReplyCode(ReplyCode.REPLY_530_NOT_LOGGED_IN, null);
315                     session.setNextCommand(new USER());
316                     writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
317                     return;
318                 }
319                 command = new IncorrectCommand();
320                 command.setArgs(getFtpSession(), message, null,
321                         FtpCommandCode.IncorrectSequence);
322                 session.setNextCommand(command);
323                 messageRunAnswer(ctx);
324             }
325         }
326     }
328     /**
329      * Write the current answer and eventually close channel if necessary (421 or 221)
330      * 
331      * @return True if the channel is closed due to the code
332      */
333     private boolean writeFinalAnswer(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
334         if (session.getReplyCode() == ReplyCode.REPLY_421_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_CLOSING_CONTROL_CONNECTION
335                 ||
336                 session.getReplyCode() == ReplyCode.REPLY_221_CLOSING_CONTROL_CONNECTION) {
337             session.getDataConn().getFtpTransferControl().clear();
338             writeIntermediateAnswer(ctx).addListener(WaarpSslUtility.SSLCLOSE);
339             return true;
340         }
341         writeIntermediateAnswer(ctx);
342         session.setCurrentCommandFinished();
343         return false;
344     }
346     /**
347      * Write an intermediate Answer from Business before last answer also set by the Business
348      * 
349      * @return the ChannelFuture associated with the write
350      */
351     public ChannelFuture writeIntermediateAnswer(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
352         logger.debug("Answer: " + session.getAnswer());
353         return ctx.writeAndFlush(session.getAnswer());
354     }
356     /**
357      * Write an intermediate Answer from Business before last answer also set by the Business
358      * 
359      * @return the ChannelFuture associated with the write
360      */
361     public ChannelFuture writeIntermediateAnswer() {
362         return writeIntermediateAnswer(ctx);
363     }
365     /**
366      * To be extended to inform of an error to SNMP support
367      * 
368      * @param error1
369      * @param error2
370      */
371     protected void callForSnmp(String error1, String error2) {
372         // ignore
373     }
375     /**
376      * Execute one command and write the following answer
377      */
378     private void messageRunAnswer(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
379         boolean error = false;
380         logger.debug("Code: " + session.getCurrentCommand().getCode());
381         try {
382             businessHandler.beforeRunCommand();
383             AbstractCommand command = session.getCurrentCommand();
384             logger.debug("Run {}", command.getCommand());
385             command.exec();
386             businessHandler.afterRunCommandOk();
387         } catch (CommandAbstractException e) {
388             logger.debug("Command in error", e);
389             error = true;
390             session.setReplyCode(e);
391             businessHandler.afterRunCommandKo(e);
392         }
393         logger.debug("Code: " + session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() +
394                 " [" + session.getReplyCode() + "]");
395         if (error) {
396             if (session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() != FtpCommandCode.INTERNALSHUTDOWN) {
397                 writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
398             }
399             // In error so Check that Data is closed
400             if (session.getDataConn().isActive()) {
401                 logger.debug("Closing DataChannel while command is in error");
402                 try {
403                     session.getDataConn().getCurrentDataChannel().close();
404                 } catch (FtpNoConnectionException e) {
405                     // ignore
406                 }
407             }
408             return;
409         }
410         if (session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() == FtpCommandCode.AUTH ||
411                 session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() == FtpCommandCode.CCC) {
412             controlChannel.config().setAutoRead(false);
413             ChannelFuture future = writeIntermediateAnswer(ctx);
414             session.setCurrentCommandFinished();
415             if (session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() == FtpCommandCode.AUTH) {
416                 logger.debug("SSL to be added to pipeline");
417                 ChannelHandler sslHandler = ctx.pipeline().first();
418                 if (sslHandler instanceof SslHandler) {
419                     logger.debug("Already got a SslHandler");
420                 } else {
421                     logger.debug("Add Explicitely SSL support to Command");
422                     // add the SSL support
423                     sslHandler =
424                             FtpsInitializer.waarpSslContextFactory.initInitializer(true,
425                                     FtpsInitializer.waarpSslContextFactory.needClientAuthentication());
426                     session.prepareSsl();
427                     WaarpSslUtility.addSslHandler(future, ctx.pipeline(), sslHandler,
428                             new GenericFutureListener<Future<? super Channel>>() {
429                                 public void operationComplete(Future<? super Channel> future) throws Exception {
430                                     if (!future.isSuccess()) {
431                                         String error2 = future.cause() != null ?
432                                                 future.cause().getMessage() : "During Handshake";
433                                         logger.error("Cannot finalize Ssl Command channel " + error2);
434                                         callForSnmp("SSL Connection Error", error2);
435                                         session.setSsl(false);
436                                         ctx.close();
437                                     } else {
438                                         logger.debug("End of initialization of SSL and command channel: "
439                                                 +;
440                                         session.setSsl(true);
441                                     }
442                                 }
443                             });
444                 }
445             } else if (session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() == FtpCommandCode.CCC) {
446                 logger.debug("SSL to be removed from pipeline");
447                 // remove the SSL support
448                 session.prepareSsl();
449                 WaarpSslUtility.removingSslHandler(future, controlChannel, false);
450             }
451         } else if (session.getCurrentCommand().getCode() != FtpCommandCode.INTERNALSHUTDOWN) {
452             writeFinalAnswer(ctx);
453         }
454     }
455 }